PLEASE! Support online file sharing services
i dont know if you have noticed, but for the past week and change, zshare has been a little skitzo lately.
there has been no information as to why, but zshare links were under maintenance, including my mixtape links and links to artist tracks and other shared image files that i use.
I remember reading a blog post one day from marketing guru seth godin titled - "ads are the new online tip jar" and it brought some new perspective to a heavy online user who NEVER clicks on ads.
Seth talks about supporting blogs, but i think that this should apply to any site that provides a FREE service that we use on a daily basis.
"If every time you read a blog post or bit of online content you enjoyed you clicked on an ad to say thanks, the economics of the web would change immediately. You don't have to buy anything (though it's fine if you do). You just have to honor the writer by giving them a click."
So, if we all clicked one ad on zshare [with the assumption that zshare went down last week because they couldn't pay their expanding server bill], it pumps money into a service that some of us use to provide our listeners and fans with entertainment.
but what do i know, im just a DJ.
THAT'S MADNESS...MIXTAPE MADNESS, lol. Bring back zshare to its proper state.
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Mixtape Madness 2
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
PLEASE! Support online file sharing services by DJ LISSA MONeT
is there a way to download the dj neil armstrong mixtape "extraordinary" or is this only for listening?
lg carwhy
Yes, unfortunately it is currently only for your listening pleasure. There may be other mixtapes available for download at his links provided.
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