Today Is The Day
By Jonathon Brown
Today I feel closer to God. I feel closer to my own heart. I feel closer to humanity. There is something in the air. The inauguration day of the 44th President of the United States is quite possibly the most unforgettable day of my life. Only time will tell the lasting impression it will have, but I do know one thing: I felt this moment like no other.
Caught off guard in a public setting, I watched the ceremony on television in a room full of strangers. As I shifted in my seat anxiously, small tears rolled down my eyes slowly and bursts of energy seemed to be beating on my chest from the inner depths of my heart. I listened and processed yet kept my composure amidst the crowd of onlookers, but once removed from the group and in the privacy of my own humbling emotional energy, I burst into tears and sobbed. Long, intense and overwhelmingly virgin, this feeling was new. At twenty two years old, I will remember the first person of my lifetime that not only touched me deep in my soul, but rocked my entire being. I am truly engulfed in an ocean of emotion and feel my understanding of inspiration, my comprehension of potential, my devotion to human unity is newly minted.
A few years back I felt a wave of emotion similarly monumental, yet drastically polar. I visited the site of the Twin Towers and was hollowed by the gravity of such a tragedy. Standing in front of the fence separating me from the rubble, reading the time line of events on September 11th and seeing all the names of those who died that day, I realized politics had no place in this place. The left, the right, the Republicans, the Democrats, the ideas, the arguments, the conspiracy theories were enemies threatening to tarnish, pollute and disrespect the raw emotion provoked by such a tragedy. I realized that none of that mattered when all was said and done, because those people were dead and could not come back no matter who won the arguments. Cheapening their deaths with these issues was not something I could stand for. I felt a connection with God and humanity and I wished to keep it sovereign from the human issues of the day.
Similarly, I feel this day cannot be tainted by those that follow. It cannot be degraded by the votes or the policy or the wars or the pundits. I value January 20th, 2009 as a day that will forever stand on its own two feet and represent something unworldly in my heart. It exists as its own powerful shockwave to my soul which showed me emotions stored in the far corners of my body and mind that I never knew existed. Today is the day Barack Obama taught me something about myself.
Originally posted @
Jay's History~Inaugural version by DJ Neil Armstrong
On Jan 20th, I had the amazing opportunity to perform with none other than Jay-z @ the inauguration.
We performed a song called History - a very anthemic song, perfect for your graduations, Celebration after a victory, and in this case an inauguration.
If you listen to the words of the
In search of victory, she keeps eluding me
If only we could be together momentarily
We can make love and make history
If you can see past the song, Victory is a woman, like Michelle is to Barrack, and History is the name of their child.
Give it a proper listen, and you'll see that its pretty dope besides a song to raise a lighter too.
Now, for this very special occasion, I suggested that we use some Barrack Speeches to give it something more for the event.
I tried to make it as interesting as possible for myself - I didn't want to go to the world series and just watch it from the bench, I wanted to actually do something - So I combed hours of Speeches, found proper words that would accent the whole feel of the song, and made it so I could throw in a few scratches here and there, without going overboard.
You can "SORT OF" hear it in the beginning of our performance - check it below...
Performance starts at about - 4:45 ...
More of
Jay's History~Inaugural version by DJ Neil Armstrong
Thanks for enjoying the live broadcast.
Here's a lil something extra ~ Diddy a.k.a "Ciroc Obama" Meets Barack Obama for the First Time Four Years Ago
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Mixtape Madness 2
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
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