Legion of Beats Media~Wow! Its a pleasure to finally catch up with you. I know you have a hectic schedule, and I appreciate you taking the time to sit down and discuss a few things about your music career.
But before we do that, let the people know what occupies your time these days?
ANAYA HAYES~Wow... I just released my 2nd single..It's called "LOVE ME". My first single did well, so I was excited to release the 2nd one. This one's much more personal to me..I'm loving the response it's getting so far, and that so many of you relate to it! Keep the notes coming, I appreciate every single one!...
I recently signed a mobile content dealin the U.S. So my American friends can now download my wallpapers as well as voice-tones and ring-tones ("WANT IT" is available). I'm working on my album as well as the next few radio singles...Today, I'm in DC...I just came from ATL and NY..traveling to work with artists, producers and labels. Check out my video interviews at Connectid.net...there's always something new. AND I started a blog. Visit www.anayahayes.blogspot.com to see what I'm up to now.
Legion of Beats Media~Alright, we mos def will check it out! It's Valentines, your new single, and you're newly single (wink). What's a guy have to have on his application to get with you?
ANAYA HAYES~hahahaha. hmmmm.. first of all, I'm not "newly single"..lol.. A guy needs to first and foremost be Smart!..He needs to be able to keep up with me and keep my mind interested..soo important. He has to be Honest..Very very honest, because I'm a straight forward woman-when I like you..I'm an open book. And he needs to be supportive of my career-that's not easy to find, trust me!...Guys tend to be insecure when it comes to my work and my travelling.
Legion of Beats Media~ (takes application notes) How did you begin your music career? And what steps where taken to reach this point in your career?
ANAYA HAYES~I knew I wanted to make music when I was 6 years old....I sat there on the edge of my bed, listening to a walkman..lol...with "Vision of Love" inside...and I just knew. I started taking steps towards it when i was about 18. I had a music manager, but that was a failed attempt..so I put music on the back-burner for a while, to pursue other interests, because I didn't have the connects or the knowledge of the industry yet. But I'm back in full force now!...lol
Legion of Beats Media~Who are your non-musical influences?
ANAYA HAYES~I think the people that influence me are those that have pursued their lifelong dreams, their "personal legends" and succeeded. People like Oprah..The GREATS. People who live life trying to fulfill their destiny.
Legion of Beats Media~Your new single Love Me, tell us about it? Who was involved with it (songwriting/production/recording and mixing)?
ANAYA HAYES~The record was produced and mixed by August. HE'S DOPE!...A great talent, he's a singer, songwriter and producer. Check him out at http://www.myspace.com/augustrigo.
I wrote it alongside August and Hakeem- Ladies, check him out! http://www.myspace.com/hakeemsing.
He's a great singer/song writer.
Legion of Beats Media~What is the song about? What life experiences did you endure that relate to the song?
ANAYA HAYES~The song was very personal to me..I wrote it for anyone that's been lied to and (has) had their heart broken..it always seems that those that hurt you, or don't appreciate you at the time you are together, always realize what they've lost... in the future..and that's what "you're gunna love me, just wait and see" means. I didn't intend for it to be a jab at anyone, it was just a natural expression of words..and it turned into a great song!
(Anaya fan, LambBambi on Youtube)
Legion of Beats Media~ Yes, it is a great song! Your last single, "Want it," how was it received by the listening audience?
ANAYA HAYES~You guys showed so much love!
It got requested until it hit #12 on the Top 20 most requested songs on Flow, voted into the Top 10 on WBLK and it stayed in high rotation for almost 6 months!...You guys also voted it to #5 on the OTA Megacity Countdown. It got played in rotation on radio stations in Turks & Caicos, Spain, Germany, Poland & Japan. That made me soo proud! I appreciate the support from my city more then anything else.
Legion of Beats Media~Yep, it was a great single, even inspired us to do a remixfor it. Do you play any instruments? What was the first tune(s) you learned/sang?
ANAYA HAYES~The first song I remember knowing all the words to, was Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You"..When I was a kid, I use to get up and sing it on the bus and people would clap..lol..I can play the cello but I don't remember the last time I played-I think bass and the cello are sexy. lol
Legion of Beats Media~ (takes more note..."bass and cello") Do you come from a musical family?
ANAYA HAYES~Kind of..My uncle is a very famous international artist from Egypt, he's like the Michael Jackson of Egyptian music. I think there's probably a lot of people who are musical in my family who keep it under wraps because of culture or religious beliefs..My brother can sing too..but shhh..don't tell anybody.
Legion of Beats Media~ Lol. Which famous artist do you admire? Why? Which local artist do you admire? And Why?
ANAYA HAYES~Beyonce and Usher for being all around seasoned spokes-people, artists and performers... I love to know that people are grinding and pushing hard for what they love. It's not easy to earn a blessing like being able to do what you love every single day...so I admire those that are living or working towards that.
Local, talented, upcoming artists such as Kim Davis, Voyce Alexander, Set2, JD Era, Drake, Hakeem & Untitled.
Legion of Beats Media~ How do you balance your music with your other obligations?
ANAYA HAYES~Planning, Strategy and Passion.
Plan for the worst and definitely for the best, Strategies for efficiency and the biggest possible reaction/profit and put your heart and Passion into every single day-ALL DAY! You have to LIVE this type of job in order to succeed. Balance is key but ambition and persistence are necessary.
Legion of Beats Media~You definitely have the recipe for success. I advise others to take notes, too. What's in your I~pod/player/Whip these days?
ANAYA HAYES~hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Canadian MUSIC!....like Kim Davis' "Sometimes", Drake's "Comeback Season" and JD Era's "the Coldwar" & a bunch of others...as well as some classics...the old stuff I love-Mariah, Etta, Stevie, Prince, Janet, Aaliyah, Sade...list goes on..O, and Britney, Jay Z, Lupe Fiasco, Alicia Keys and Keyshia Cole's new albums..
Legion of Beats Media~Favourite song from 2007?
ANAYA HAYES~That's tough....favorite song of 2007...?.....hmmmmmmm... I'm undecided at press time!
Legion of Beats Media~ Haa haaa. Which team did you favour in the Superbowl, Patriots or Giants?
ANAYA HAYES~I originally had my bet on the Giants..Cause they beat our Cowboys...but then I changed my mind, just cause-and I was wrong!...Lesson-Don't doubt the underdog!
Legion of Beats Media~Yeah, that Manning is a beast. Shout Outs?
ANAYA HAYES~Big shouts to my fam over at The Product Management and Reignman Music Management, August who produced my second single, Spinz who produced my first and JD Era for jumping on that record. Phat shout to Omen in NY & J&J over in ATL...Thank you to all the dj's spinning the records and to Flow for always being first to support local talent, special shout out to Rez & Ty for being innovators that the city will always remember, and to all the Canadian talent who rock the crowds & fuel the message boards underground and those who get the radio spins & do the endorsements mainstream...for all the others- Grind Harder!!
And Happy Valentine's Month! If he only makes you feel special on the one day---why are you with him?! (and vice versa!)...And if you're not in a relationship or if he or she broke your heart, Listen to LOVE ME!!! I wrote it for you..! I Say "LOVE ME, FIRST" You deserve it !!!!!
Legion of Beats Media~ In closing, I would like to say thank you once again, for taking the time out to conduct this interview. Much continued success... I'll be forwarding my application to you shortly, lol.
MORE ANAYA HAYES MUSICCAN BE FOUND AT http://www.myspace.com/anayahay esmusicspace
ALSO, VISIT HER BLOG AT http://www.anayahayes.blogspot.com
LOVE ME (lyrics)
Written by:
A.Hayes, A. Rigo, H. Rose
I don't care anymore for your love now
Cuz My heart's out the door, I don't know how
You coulda made the mistakes that you made
When you did what u did what you did to me
(Look what you did to me)
Gave My Heart Took u In, Met my family
Then you tore me apart, no apologies
Look at the Damage (that you've done)
Look at you run, look at you run
Pre Chorus:
See I know it's been a long time
That you been on my mind
Now I finally let you go
And now I got you out my life
And Im gonna be fine
I just wanna let you know
Your Gonna Love Me x2
Your Gonna Love Me x2
Your Gonna Love Me x2
Just Wait and See
Your Gonna Love Me x2
Your Gonna Love Me x2
Your Gonna Love Me x2
Just Wait and See
When You Said it was Love, boy you lied to me
What's too good to be true is just make believe
Look what you did to me, Look what you did to me
I Was Too Blind to see, I was to Blind See
I would love u would cheat, cuz your insecure
There was me, there was her, and that other girl
Look at the Damage, That you've done
Look at you run, Look at you run
Pre Chorus:
See I know it's been a long time
That you been on my mind
And now I finally let you go
And now I got you out my life
And Im gonna be fine
I just wanna let you know
Your Gonna Love Me x2
Your Gonna Love Me x2
Your Gonna Love Me x2
Just Wait and See
Your Gonna Love Me x2
Your Gonna Love Me x2
Your Gonna Love Me x2
Just Wait and See
(Say Ohh)
Look at the damage, look at the damage you've done
I've let you go, and now I wanna let you know, you're gunna love me
Your Gonna Love Me x2
Your Gonna Love Me x2
Your Gonna Love Me x2
Just Wait and See Your
Gonna Love Me x2
Your Gonna Love Me x2
Your Gonna Love Me x2
Just Wait and See
You're gonna love me
You're gunna love me...
Love Me debuts on Flow's Canadian Choice Cuts at no. 10, March 18, 2008.
Love Me plays for the first time on Toronto's own Flow 93.5 on the Trauma Unit show, Feb. 21, 2008.
Anaya Hayes' "Love Me" makes it to #6 on the TOP 10 unsigned tracks on 93.7 WBLK!
Let's Make it #1 On the Countdown-Vote HERE!
Love Me added to Buffalo's 93.7 WBLK, the week of Feb. 25, 2008.
Launch Party on the 4th of April!

Love Me hi bitrate mp3 radio edit
Love Me Acapella
Updates: Love Me plays for the first time on Toronto's own Flow 93.5 on the Trauma Unit show, Feb. 21, 2008.
Love me added to Buffalo's 93.7 WBLK, the week of Feb. 25, 2008.
More updates to come!
Love Me remix, ft. Malicious
Posted on behalf of Malicious.
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